Chris Double has released a source only release of DSEmu the Nintendo DS Emulator for Windows, heres the news:

Happy new year and that. I decided that with the new year should come a new burst of working on this 'ere emulator, so I decided to delve back into the code. I've stopped progress on the dynarec project, it being too massively large to handle at this time. Instead, I've pushed on with the other major missing part of the emulator; DS graphics.

The first task, of course, is to handle that strange VRAM banking business. I believe that, with a set of hacks implemented today, most of that is up and running; there are likely to be rather a few bugs in that implementation, of course, as with most parts of this emulator, but the substance of the mapping is there. There are a few things missing, like the WRAMCNT register, but they should be along in short order.

With the current codebase, you still won't see any output on the screen, since there is no renderer of any kind in the GPU code at the moment. However, I've confirmed that at least the one demo I have to test does indeed write to VRAM, and in the right place, so something must be working correctly. I guess the next step is to actually render something, to get some output from the DS side of the emulator.

As ever, you can grab the latest source, and possibly vomit over the hackery of the GPU, at the URL below.

Oh, yeah. First release of '06! Let's hope that heralds a period of productivity on this thing.