Today is clearly "Gosh-look-how-well-the-DS-is-doing" day here at CVG. We've already covered that impressive global 13.5 million units shifted figure and now word has reached us of this week's Japanese sales charts. Put it this way: Nintendo's accountant are probably rubbing their hands with glee, as the handheld claims 8 of the 10 top spots, leaving all other consoles in its wake.
Claiming pole position is Nintendo's Brain Training 2, which made its debut in the charts, selling an amazing 414,556 copies in just one week. At number two and three respectively, Animal Crossing DS has cleared a million copies with Mario Kart DS also fast approaching the magic one million marker.

For those interested, we've supplied the Japanese chart in its entirety below (total sales to date are listed in brackets at the end of each entry):
1. NDS Brain Training 2 414,556 NEW
2. NDS Animal Crossing DS 205,119 (1,382,228)
3. NDS Mario Kart DS 168,680 (836,478)
4. PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 156,837 (884,428)
5. NDS Brain Training 153,189 (1,157,870)
6. PS2 Front Mission 5 146,209 NEW
7. NDS Mario & Luigi 2 132,726 NEW
8. NDS Gentle Brain Training 82,789 (935,535)
9. NDS Tamagotchi 63,433 (784,537)
10. NDS Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon: Blue Rescue Force 61,154 (572,858)