Source - PocketLint

The PSP maybe seen by most as a games console, but the handheld device has taken its first steps as a remote control for your car.

Based on what was once a 94 Honda Civic, a pimped up concept car has gone on show at CES in Las Vegas that allows you to control everything from opening the doors, turning on the lights and even driving it down the street all via the PSP and a wi-fi connection.

The car which has been modified by Metro Electronics in America, who specialise in electronic amps, stereo racks, amps and in car dvd players is even eco friendly having its petrol engine ripped out in favour of an electric one.

“We took out the petrol engine not for the green appeal, but so we could get in more amps and kit,” a spokesperson for the company told Pocket-lint.

But the company didn’t just stop at the remote control and eco-friendly elements. Showing that this vehicle could beat any home cinema system the car comes with 24 LCD screens, including one in the front grill, three amps and more speakers than at a Aerosmith concert.

The price tag? Pocket-lint was told that it was not for sale, however the spokesman said that if it was it would be in the region of around $250,000 (130,000 GBP).

Still just think of the looks you would get on the school run.

Check out the link above for those cool screens