PSmonkey aka Nexis2600 posted this news on his Site:

<blockquote>Well its the start of the new year and thus means time to get my ass back in gear. So here is info as to whats going on globaly.

1) BspViewer 0.3 is being delayed some more. This is all in due to me cleaning up the source code and trying to re organise things. This is a good thing because hopefuly next build you can start loading and unloading maps & md2 models with out having to reboot the app every time. As well hopefuly let you select any map by filename insted of the bs testXX.bsp setup now.

2) My ass is in high gear over the Dcemu compo. I have 7 days to pretty much write a game. See below for more info regarding this.

3) Bof3 trans is dead 100%. We gave up mostly because its not worth the time investment with capcom finaly bringing an english release early this year. Plus this give me more free time to work on the 3d engine. Clessy contains all rights to the code and my documentation. He is free to do as he pleases with it (so its up to him if the info will be released).

4) ngPsp might see an update release in the comming months. My good friend yoshi has taken the time off to port the code to the newest sdk (I was on the original nem setup). This is great as it saves me weeks from getting it done. Once thing settle a little on the 3d engine. I will jump back over and get things cleaned up and finaly get a damn freaking multiplayer build out (sorry it took over a year, ran into many adhoc bugs that someone else figured out now).

Dcemu Compo

Ok so what do I got cooking? Well me (coder), MGFox (Map Maker) & Produkt (Texturing & Lighting) are working on a very small and basic FPS/TPS for the psp. The maps will be very small but the basis is that users can build their own maps if they wish or use their favorite quake 2 character models.

So far there is tons of work to be done. I do plan to keep updating this project to some extent after the compo release. The only thing is I am a little worried the compo entry might be more of a alpha build then an actual game (due to there being so much needed to be done).

Anyways. See Forums for an early screen shot of the game. Keep checking back for this screenshot to evolve.</blockquote>

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