On July 19, 2008, seismologists across the globe experienced a strange phenomenon -- the needles on their trusty seismographs began to bounce ever so slightly. Some would blame it on tiny movements in our Earth's tectonic plates. Others would attribute it to faulty equipment. Those with an active internet connection and a penchant for gaming news, however, quickly discovered the cause of the activity -- simultaneous, powerful groans, uttered in response to an image of Sonic the Hedgehog, brandishing a broadsword.

If you were among those who were hesitant towards yet another Sonic title in which the protagonist vanquishes foes, not with speed and well-timed jumps, but with weaponry, you might want to check out the debut trailer for Sonic and the Black Knight we've considerately posted after the jump. It looks quite similar to other post-Dreamcast games featuring the hyperactive hedgehog, only with, you know, a sword. We're a little puzzled by the trailer's complete lack of Martin Lawrence, but we're sure he'll make an appearance in future media for the title.
