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Thread: Artist asks for help for a siple code

  1. #1

    Default Artist asks for help for a siple code


    I am making this animation for the PSP console. It will be like a simulation of videogame FPS/RPG based on this old Russian folk tale "Golobok". As I make it in the PSP format I also want to exhibit it on the platform.

    As it will be shown the whole week in a gallery I need some kind of solution how a simple gallerylady could start the animation with one simple move. I know I could make eboot file run at PSP startup but I have no idea how to write a program itself whitch would play the movie repeatedly until it will be shut off again. What filetype the movie should be anyways?

    Could somebody help me please with this executable eboot? I think I'm running out of time making the animation itself.

    from Estonia

  2. #2
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    Wouldn't it be easier to render the animation to a video file and run that on the PSP?

  3. #3


    The trouble is that for me its pieceofcake to put an mp4 running in xmb and set it to repeat itself every day when starting. But I have no guarantee that person who'll turn on the exhibition every morning can handle it. These things just aren't so intuitive for old ladies who are usually up for this kind of static job. It would be nice to make executing the piece as painless as possible. I imagined it would be possible just to show one videofile in eboot.pbp in repeat mode.

  4. #4
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    To use an eBoot, you will have the same problem as the one you mentioned:

    * The PSP it is running on has to be 'hacked' to run unsigned code
    * The person setting it up in the morning has to run the eBoot manually, same with a video file

    Personally, I would just give them a DVD of the animation and let them handle how they play it.

  5. #5


    The PSP Im going to show the piece is already running custom firmware.
    As much as I know theres a possibility to run chosen eboot on startup as you can make the UMD boot at startup.

    The video should be defenetly shown on PSP so DVD doest work here.

    Anybody else can confirm that my request is possible?

  6. #6
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    It is possible, just seems a little pointless when you just want to play a video clip.

  7. #7


    Well I guess I already made a point why its necessary to use a given solution. One thing is to find a play button from DVDplayer frontpanel, other is to figure out o's and x'es of PSP. It's a hostile attitude toward people who have to manage showing the work after it's outofmyown hands. Artscene here donot want to deal with punks, who cannot see things outfromtheirbox.
    Somehow I imagined the solution to be a sixsentence tutorial.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Coder
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    The only way to really do this is to use the psp codec, like pmplayer advance. You want to open the movie, play it through the codec, then start it up again once it's done until someone tells it to stop. Simple in theory, but the code to use the psp av codecs isn't the most simple thing on the PSP. You can look at the code in PPA, or a couple threads on it at ps2dev. Someone like cooleyes (who did PPA and at least one of the threads at ps2dev) could probably do this no trouble. The problem is that he probably isn't interested.

    By the way, you haven't said when this needs to be done. Do you have a couple months/couple weeks/couple days?

  9. #9
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottkosmoses View Post
    Well I guess I already made a point why its necessary to use a given solution. One thing is to find a play button from DVDplayer frontpanel, other is to figure out o's and x'es of PSP. It's a hostile attitude toward people who have to manage showing the work after it's outofmyown hands. Artscene here donot want to deal with punks, who cannot see things outfromtheirbox.
    Somehow I imagined the solution to be a sixsentence tutorial.
    It isn't hostile, just practical (given a little 'training'), why choose a solution where you have to create something new which you also can't do yourself?

    It might be possible to use SMPEG with SDL to run a .mpg file with little work but I have no idea how fast it would be.

    If you REALLY want to do it the way you have described, drop a topic in the psp-programming forums AFAIK, there isn't a PSP native library to play video (otherwise this would have been trivial) but IWN or Raph will have a much better idea in this area since they are working on this feature on the PGE engine (IIRC). With luck, you probably can do this will several lines in Lua script.
    Last edited by yaustar; October 21st, 2008 at 12:00.

  10. #10


    Thanks guys for the help.
    Unfortunately I ran out of time and couldn't make the new thread in proposed forum.
    I also got screwed with playing mp4 file from xmb because somebody put it on battery power(should've been on adapter) and it dried restoring default video playing options without repeat-mode. So kind of saw that coming.

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