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Thread: Introducing Iris

  1. #31


    is it out yet...

  2. #32
    DCEmu Coder
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    Yes, 0.1 has been out for quite a while. Not sure where to get it from though, I think PSPUpdates has it.

  3. #33


    do you know if v0.2 is out yet...

  4. #34


    Nope it's not...0.15 will be the next version anyway.

  5. #35
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hi guys,

    I've been mapping for Q3 for several years.
    I'm really interested in making some maps for IRIS, but before I do so, what exactly are the limitations?
    I see from the current map screenshots that everything is pretty rectangle and plane (read: boring)
    I assume a lot of BSP things are still not compatible? (patches/curves, shader/opengl blend effects, no lightmaps?)
    I would really like to make some traditional Q3 like maps, with stairs, platforms, blended textures and such. What exactly is the problem that requires us to make rectangle rooms? Is it related to the bsp tree, nodes, etc? If so, are there no workarounds?

    I guess I should give the examples a go first, I havent looked into it yet.
    I assume there is a .map file and radiant entity definition file included, or can we use some q3 entities?

    Sorry for all these questions, I'm just really interested but dont have much time to look around. Could someone shed some light on this and answer some of these questions?


    Sorry one more question...
    I see PSMonkey posted some images in the original post of what seems to be a MAP/BSP file rendered in 3D MAX or some similar high-end 3D application.
    Is this true? How did you import your map file? Wrote some conversion tool?

  6. #36
    PSP Coder
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    Nice to see an old quake 3 mapper here. I'll try to answer your questions as best as I can.

    Quote Originally Posted by LaMaOne
    I see from the current map screenshots that everything is pretty rectangle and plane (read: boring)
    I assume a lot of BSP things are still not compatible? (patches/curves, shader/opengl blend effects, no lightmaps?)
    This was due to first release. The current build I have in development suports sloping floors & stairs. Before I had no height adjustment for colission but do now.

    Patches/curves are not suported because I am having problems getting them to work in a format that psp understands (psp suports bezier/b-spline patches).

    Shaders are not suported yet but in the pipeline. I want to rewrite my surface pipeline to properly suport a good amount of q3 shader effects.

    Lightmaps are in but I disabled them in last build due to memory limits & framerate problems. I plan to fix this asap.

    Quote Originally Posted by LaMaOne
    I would really like to make some traditional Q3 like maps, with stairs, platforms, blended textures and such. What exactly is the problem that requires us to make rectangle rooms? Is it related to the bsp tree, nodes, etc? If so, are there no workarounds?
    No the square rooms were mostly due to collission limitations (contact me for private build). Blended textures will eventualy be suported once I can solve memory issues (i only have 2mb of vram on psp that holds framebuffers and 20mb of mainram for storing stuff. Sadly rendering a texture from main ram causes a serious bottleneck in the rendering pipeline and hits the framerate hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by LaMaOne
    I guess I should give the examples a go first, I havent looked into it yet.
    I assume there is a .map file and radiant entity definition file included, or can we use some q3 entities?

    Sorry for all these questions, I'm just really interested but dont have much time to look around. Could someone shed some light on this and answer some of these questions?

    Just hit me up via PM and we can chat over msn to get you sorted out (as well as talk to produkt who has a good understanding of making compatible q3 maps for iris).

    Quote Originally Posted by LaMaOne
    Sorry one more question...
    I see PSMonkey posted some images in the original post of what seems to be a MAP/BSP file rendered in 3D MAX or some similar high-end 3D application.
    Is this true? How did you import your map file? Wrote some conversion tool?
    Oh thoes were just visual renders given to me by mgfox. I think he exported the map and loaded it in max to give me a render.

  7. #37
    PSP Modder Produkt's Avatar
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    I'm avalible through email. I'll be opening up the Iris Knowlage base soon. which will give further info on everything.

    but if you know what I'm talking about iris only supports maps compiled with Q3Map NOT! Q3Map2... if you dont know how to set up Q3Map on the later versions of radiant Just stick with Q3Radiant and you'll be fine.

    Also! I'll make sure to have all of the avalible exporters on hand. but! you may be required to use Milkshape 3d... Free trial FYI... after that its your call...

    because the md2 format is rather "old" and not a good format to begin with (play quake 2 and watch the vertexes Wobble...) So there may not be working exporters for later versions of Max, Lightwave, and maya... I'm almost certine there isnt one for XSI...

    Milkshape 3d is the best way to go for modeling for iris. (all of the supported formats already built in exporters) there is another modeling program that I found, its similar but its onetime per export so it isnt a good choice.

    Pm me if ya wanna chat about the iris engine/mapping. I have aim msn, gtalk, xfire, skype and alot of other goodies so we can surely get in touch.
    PSP Q3BSP Projekt: Here
    Iris Wiki Database: here
    Iris Game Info: Here
    Iris Addons: Here
    PSP File Shack: Here

  8. #38


    what is your msn address...

  9. #39


    Man, at this rate i beleive that a n64 emulator is defenitly possible....YES!!!

  10. #40
    DCEmu Newbie
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    This is Quake 3 maps, right? Weird, cause when I go to load the map itself from one of my Quake 3 editors it crashes. Any tips for new Quake 3 mappers and what we need to do to get started? Im fairly good at mapping, but I havent done it yet with Quake 3, and this might be a fun project, cause I got a decent idea id like to try.

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