Over a dozen reviews have popped up online, and it looks like LittleBigPlanet is on track to be the PlayStation 3's best-reviewed first-party title -- despite some well-strung criticisms. In fact, according to Metacritic's data, it's the only game in the PS3's Top 5 that doesn't have a "4" in the title (in order: GTA IV, Call of Duty 4, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion). Of course, glowing reviews don't ensure the game will translate into ca-ching, but it's a great indication that we'll be seeing plenty of LittleBigPenis levels for years to come.

PlayStation Official Magazine UK (100/100): "There simply isn't anything else like LBP on any system, anywhere. It's a beautifully elegant and powerful creative tool that puts unlimited potential in the palm of your hand."
CVG (96/100): "You'll look for inspiration for levels, mechanical dilemmas or puzzles in every corner of your life. And in your sleep. It will take over your conversations with fellow players. You will become obsessed. You have been warned."
IGN (95/100): "Media Molecule has created a brilliant platformer, and then given you the tools to recreate the whole thing over again, or better yet, to create your own ideas from scratch. It's not perfect - the controls could be tighter, automatically shifting between planes can be problematic, the editor isn't quite as robust as you might hope - but what's there is nothing short of astounding."
Eurogamer (90/100): "The promise that anyone could create something simple and fun and personal with LittleBigPlanet hasn't come true. In a way, it's the opposite of Spore, which makes it easy and fun for every single player to have creative input, but doesn't let any of them change the fabric of the game. LittleBigPlanet lets them run wild, with unprecedented results, but it locks the majority out of the creative process, because it's time-consuming and simply not very enjoyable."
