PSP Zones have released issue 2 of their Magazine, heres the info:

PSPWeekly 2, the official PSP Emag of has been officially released! It features 119 pages (excludes cover and wallpapers, 128 pages in total) full of News, Reviews, Previews, Cheats, Tips and other useful info! And all this in just over 7mb, due to the fact that we don't waste pages on images or large font sizes. We've packed in lots of info in this issue from CES 2006 so that you can stay up-to-date with all the latest! Remember, PSPWeekly is the first and original weekly psp emag so our next issue is out on 16th January 2006! We hope you enjoy this Issue as everyone who has contributed by sending us their news, has helped us make this such a big Issue. We are still looking for staff members so if you're interested, please contact us!
Thanks, pspzones administration.

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