Well... its been a while...

NID CRK Change Log:

NID CRK 2, Distributed.

- Loop Optimization
- DoEvents call replaced by API
- New SHA-1 Hashing module
- 12.9 times increase in speed.
- Core Design
- NIDS from 3.52 will be used
- 1, 2 & 3 word commands will be attempted (With Prefix)
- Save Log
- Throttle
- Fire & Forget, Stores loops for next execution.
- Handles BIG numbers (For attempts calculation)
- Will not overflow a variable.
- Graphics
- New Executable Icon
- New Splash
- New Progress Bar
- Loop States Display
- System Tray Addition
- Improved Help/About

NID CRK 1, Stand-Alone (Beta)

- Released: 22-09-2008, 03:00 PM
Some points to note...

  • /Support/LPStore.txt - This is the storage file for the crack Loops... if you wish to reset your crack attempt to the begining set the contents of this file to
  • /Support/NIDS.txt - Self explanitory, place the NIDS you wish to be cracked here, use NIDS from the same Library, don't mix them. don't put blank entries in this file.. IE: after the last NID you put in, don't press enter (I didn't code a parsing routine to deal with blank entries... sorry)
  • /Support/Prefix.txt - Again, self explanitory, place the sce prefix you would like to use in your attempt here, IE: for Syscon.prx it's sceSyscon... again, avoid putting anything else in here.. blank entries will make a difference to the hash, so put your prefix in, make sure its the one and only line in the file, and don't press enter (which is a newline character)
  • /Support/Suffix.txt - The oposite of Prefix... if you are looking for NIDS that end in something, place that string in this file (Otherwise leave it completely blank, and i mean completely... no spaces in there.. nothing)
  • /Support/Dict.txt - The dictionary you will be using with this attempt, included is a general perpous one, but feel free to use your own.

Included in the release are the remaining NIDS for Syscon.prx.
It's ready to go, but please feel free to experiment.

The 3.52 LibDocs can be found here http://silverspring.lan.st/3.5x/index.html.

Unfortunately, i didn't have the time to make this what i wanted it to be, being a family man i simply don't have time to sit down and write code for backends, i did start but soon realised my idea was flawed, I'll release the source code for it in a few days, and if anyone wants to mess around with it, Improve it... (Make it propperly distributed) then feel free.

Anyway, I'll sign off by saying, many thanks to all those that have helped me, and explained various things about the NIDS/PSP hardware to me, they know who they are, and saying sorry for my no doubt horrible spelling.