via Computer and Video Games

November 19 is the big day for 360 owners looking forward to the flashy New Xbox Experience backend. But you may not have to wait that long to get hold of it.

Major Nelson - MS' official Xbox blog - is teasing early access to NXE if you "keep an eye on" the blog.

In a recent podcast, MS said: "...I know you as my audience, you guys, you like to pick up and play. You want to get your hands on it and I don't blame you because you'll enjoy it. In fact, if you want to get your hands on it, let me just say this... keep an eye on my blog next week.

"If you want to get your hands on it early, that's all I'm going to say," Nelson reaffirmed (via Gameplay Unlimited).

And that really is all he says, not giving away any further clues as to how access will be given, or how limited.

We would imagine something as major (no pun intended) as a console backend would simply be too complicated for a game-like beta program, but it looks like Microsoft might be about to prove us wrong.

Best keep a close eye on the blog, then.