Hi all,

I'm really struggling here - I'm trying to compile the wifi_example1 file that comes with "dswifi_lib_v0.3", and I'm getting error messages galore.

So far I've had errors surrounding "curtime", and the apparently deprecated "heartbeat". I think I've sorted these two issues out, but I'm now getting an error message:

"ERROR: Source object c:/devkitPro/libndslib\libdswifi7r.a(wifi_arm7.o) has EABI version 0, but target e:/ds/dswifi/dswifi_lib_v0.3_examples/wifi_example1/arm7/wifi_example1.arm7.elf has EABI version 4"

Has anyone got any suggestions what this could be? I'm running DevKitPro v1.4.7.

Thanks in advance,
