We've had some pretty major Weekly Wii updates over the past few months, so it's about time we take it down a notch and give our Wii points a little rest, isn't it? Today sees the release of two WiiWare titles and two Virtual Console classics that we could really give or take. I suppose the multiplayer online of Tetris Party for WiiWare (1200 points) is somewhat exciting, as is the prospect of somehow controlling Tetris with your Wii Balance Board, but nothing we're in a hurry to check out. Digital Leisure brings us The Incredible Maze (500 points), another Balance Board compatible title that has you navigating...incredible mazes. Okay!

On the virtual console side of things we have two TruboGrafx16 titles, futuristic boxing title Digital Champ Battle Boxing (700 points), and Gradius Gofer No Yabou (900 points), the CD-ROM sequel to the original shooter classic, and probably the most exciting game of the week as far as we're concerned. See anything you'll be picking up?
