This week's BBC News at Ten featured a discussion on the LittleBigControversy, in which the game was delayed at the eleventh hour due to a song, featuring lyrics taken from the Qur'an, by Grammy award-winning artist Toumani Diabaté. According to, the program had Diabaté on to discuss, as well as Sheikh Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain.

"It's quite normal to play music and be inspired by the words of the Prophet Mohammed," said Diabaté, himself a Muslim. "It's my way to attract and inspire people towards Islam." Mogra provided the counterpoint, saying that "Muslims believe the Qur'an to be the actual word of god and give it utmost respect" and its use in a commercial title would "upset and cause offence and hurt to many, many Muslims."

LittleBigPlanet is expected to arrive next week for North America and "no later than the week of November 3" for Europe.