There are a number of maladies one usually associates with long-term guitar playing -- bloodied, mangled fingers (otherwise known as Townshend syndrome), horrible "strap burn" on one side of the player's neck, and, of course, an insatiable addiction to heroin. While for the most part, faux-rocking Guitar Hero and Rock Band enthusiasts are safe from these perils, a recent recall announcement of a peripheral may concern ludological guitarists about the very real possibility of shredding-related pants corrosion.

The peripheral in question is the Rage Wireless Guitar for the Wii, which has been recalled due to a faulty circuit board which causes the AA batteries within to leak onto the user's Jordache's, and possibly, the tallowy skin beneath. One injury complaint has already been filed, spurring the recall, however, those present at the aforementioned time of injury were quoted as saying, "seeing Steve rock so hard that he burned a hole in his pants was the coolest thing any of us will ever see."