New user features:
Added a page under the opts menu which
shows some information about the sun and
moon, such as rising and setting times,
phases, etc.

Added more Deep Sky Objects, particularly
in the far south, where there are no
Messier objects.

Added a page under the opts menu
displaying a key to the symbols and
colors used by the program, as well as
the program version.

Improved the dynamic range of the symbols
used to display stars.

Improved the constellation stick figures
for Canis Major, Corona Australis and

Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug which occationally caused
azimuth values greater than 360 degrees
to be printed.

Fixed a bug which caused constellations
which stradle RA = 0 to not always display
the stars at the stick figure verticies
to be displayed if they were fainter than
the active magnitude limit. So far as
I can tell, this only effected Pisces.

Decreased the limiting magnitude limit
for checking whether or not stars are at
the verticies of constellation stick
figures. This prevents spurious
associations with very faint stars, and
also makes the code somewhat faster.