via Computer and Video Games

Sony's PlayStation business has been booming over the last couple of months, although the rest of the company isn't doing as well as the platform holder would like.

PS3 sales hit 2.43 million during the second quarter of Sony's business year (July to September). That's up 85% on the 1.31 million sold during the same period last year.

PSP sales rose sharply too, up 23% from 2.58 million to 3.18 million.

Sales of the ageing PS2 declined, down 25% to 2.5 million, but that figure still topped PS3's total.

While we're rolling out the stats, the company also sold over 21 million PS3 games during the second quarter, 11.8 million PSP titles, and 23.1 million PS2 games.

So the PS2 is in decline, but it's still outperforming its successor in terms of hardware and software sales, a whole eight years after it was first released. That's pretty good going in our books.

While the PlayStation business performed well, things were less rosy across Sony's wider business during the three months in question.

The company's overall quarterly profit fell by 72% to $214 million and, according to Edge-Online, its share price fell to a 16-year low ahead of the release of the financial results. Ouch.