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Thread: GP2X vs PSP vs Nintendo DS

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Question GP2X vs PSP vs Nintendo DS

    With there being 3 leading handhelds in the world of homebrew and emulation, i thought that some friendly banter discussing the merits of each console and the downsides and without too much fanboyism come to the conclusion of which is the best.

    Heres some info on each


    Good - 333mhz console with widescreen, massive range of emulators and homebrew, up to 4gb hard drive space can be added, easy to upload on v1.0, v1.5

    Bad - Shortish battery life, Annoying firmware updates that stop new users playing all homebrew


    Good - 2x200 Dual CPU console, Linux based, play movies without encoding, very impressive range of homebrew and emulators, many at full speed, up to 4gb space can be added, built in tv out, firmware updates to improve abilities.

    Bad - Short battery life, concerns over build quality of first edition

    Nintendo DS

    Good -Long battery life, Stylus/Touch Screen is perfect for RTS games, Lots of homebrew but not as many emulators, up to 8gb can be added,

    Bad - Weakest in power of the three consoles

    Ok thats a very brief rundown of some good and bad points, which for you is the most well rounded of the consoles.

    Let the debate begin

    answer via the comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie youngjoonshi's Avatar
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    As you would already know a lot about the PSP-Killers or they used to be rumoured to be so...
    They are ALL from Korea...
    Strange..isn't it?
    well, the thing is that the Koreans always hated the Japanese and the products out there are all meant to kill Japanese products...
    There was the famous GPX2 which failed in the end due to lack of 3rd party games although it excelled the PSP in so many ways...
    There was the GMP-M6 from Cenix released a month ago which looks more like a Gameboy micro Killer but it guratees double the battery life with 20gig hard disk and SD-Card support! It is also very thing and light like the micro and plays all sorts of staff such as video,music...etc. and also games which the company claims to be 500000..which will be avaiable to be downloaded...on the 20gig drive.
    Lastly,and very recently the government is finally hoping this machine to be the Killer and yes, I think they are going in the right way..only finished about 60% this machine from iriver, named "WiBro G10" (read my thread somewhere here..) will hopefully take the PSP because:

    1.Iriver's brand power is far better than those completely unknown companies...

    2.Is making contracts with BIG game not let the machine down...

    3.And has the support from the government...and also from the big ones such as Samsung making them LCD-Screens and Flash memory chips for the G10...unlike Sony who had to BUY memory chips and LCD-Screens off Samsung because of the lack of PSPs out there...and samsung is not going to give them the chips and screens in cheap prices...looks like korea is going to make some profit out of every PSP sold...

    Anyway,it would be foolish to ignore the battle of David and Goliath...since there might be a SUDDEN,BIG change...remember a console CANNOT keep the throne for ever...

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie youngjoonshi's Avatar
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    OK,after shuting my mouth after a few weeks, I think it is time to write here again.I have written this in many other forums including here but somehow I can't find it anymore...strange...anyway, the bit about me being an iriver worker isn't officially true because I am just a reviewer and feedback checker from iriver. They have hundreds of people like me around the world. Anyway, you can lock or do whatever with this if you want to but I do hope it will give you some good information about the coming up iriver. Whatever it is PLEASE be open minded and do not give negative comments about it IF:

    1. You are a total PSP-Freak/Fan who thinks everything else on the earth is rubbish.

    2. You personally love Sony and hate iriver.

    I DO NOT wish to have that sort of comment because the feedbacks you are giving will be used to improve the iriver and staffs like that is not very helpful.

    You do need to remember that I am NEUTRAL and don' want to advertise or impress you about the new iriver.It is my job and I do what is right.

    One more thing before I start, FREE isos are illegal for the PSP and therefore don't think the PSP is better than the iriver just because of those free isos.Also,you can ONLY play old isos below firmware 2.0. Keep that in mind and let's start:

    Hi guys,
    I am currently working at iriver and I am here to read some feedbacks about you guys about the PSP-Killer. Now,I am just one of those thousands of people around there from iriver to check feedbacks and I just want to answer some of your questions..^^
    Ok,first, remember that this is a product that will come out roughly at Autum,2006. So, it isn't finished yet..about 60% is done and iriver is making contracts with many game conpanies including the big ones...they are planning to see if users liked the idea of an analog pad or shoulder buttons and I think that is true.,you need to remember that this machine probabaly will not be (even in iriver's point of view) a PSP-Killer in GAMING but it will make its life difficult by attacking the weak points of the PSP; the ability to play games is just an addition.
    Anyway,coming back to the main point, this machine is far superior than a will be definitely be more successful than that.
    Also,we have far better support in games than n-gages so don't worry about that...expect to see BIG titles very soon...^^
    This game machine's graphic processor is capable of rendering more than 60fps at the very high resolution of 800x600 which is far superior than that of the PSP(about 480x270..right?)
    The screen will be one of its main selling point; far superior than any screens out there in the world,it will have the support of samsung,world's number 1 LCD screen manufacturer.You surely have experienced the short supply of PSPs..didn't you? well..this was because Sony lacked of two important "materials" for the PSP..which is its screen and the flash memory...and samsung is the company that makes more than half of world's LCD screens and flash memory chips.And, guessed it..iriver and samsung are both from the world's most advanced country in IT-infrastructure which is Korea! Now, the government has been investing loads of money on the PSP-Killer and for sure,it won't disappoint you...just wait and see..they are both working as a team..
    I don't know much about the price of the PSP-Killer BUT iriver told me that it is far cheaper than PSPs. Why? because you guys don't realize that the PSP is actually far expensiver than you thought. Ok, the PSP costs around 200 pounds here in the UK BUT you spend money on those UMDs...let's say you have bought a PSP,3 UMDs and a 512Mb MS. Considering a UMD costs around 25 pounds and a 512Mb MS around 60, you are actually spending far more money than you thought.Yes, Sony is making a loss with every PSP sold but their trick is to get money of UMDs and MSs. OK, the initial price of the WiBro will be (according to the marketing department reigncom,korea) probably higher than the PSP but that isn't known yet...feedbacks are analysed carefully not to make the PSP-Killer a failure like n-gages and gpx2s.
    So the price of the PSP is expensive as a whole. The new WiBro will have the support of millions of windows applications out there and that is one of its far superior point compared to the PSP which even stops users from these forcing firmware upgrades to stop homebrews and even letting users brick their expensive PSPs...CUREL!!

    Anyway,The major big points that the WiBro has are:

    1.Far superior screen-better than ANY other screen currently out there in the mobile console market

    2.Homebrew support. Iriver will support homebrew developers and will even encourage and reward them.This is what this console is different from other consoles-and that is why it is going to be so hot.There are already SNES,GBA/GBC,Sega Dreamcast,PS1...etc. emulators in development so expect to see hot titles!

    3.Far better storage. This machine will be a true media center unlike the PSP which can do those things but can never fulfill it due to its tiny storage. Memory sticks are very very expensive(480 dollars for 2GB) due to sony's marketing strategy. The Killer is really going to kill the PSP in this point.Considering that the 4GB thing for the PSP is HUGE and expensive, the WiBro with double the capacity is ULTRA-SLIM...beautiful.

    The WiBro will also attract far more female consumers than ever because it is perfect for non-hardcore gamers,design,simplicity and multimedia lovers...which are FEMALES.

    The new iriver will undoubtly shake the world attacking both ipods and PSP.

    You guys should now REALIZE,that brand such as SONY and APPLE are NOT the whole world.Please don't think they are the best and the WiBro is going to prove that.

    I have heared that iriver is a "poor" company...
    Now, what can I say about that (personally)...!!!

    Iriver is the first company on the earth to have developed the first Flash-Mp3 Players...ipod was just a clone from iriver.The company is it is ready to spent some money...becuase it has saved money for the big PSP killer project...

    Hot Korean games should be converted to English and will be avaible for free for you guys to download and to play...
    The game you saw on the two screenshoots was CART RACING which is a game that is SO~~ Addictive...everybody even people at the age of 40 play, you can imagine how this game is going to perform has already addicted millions of gamers in just don't hear about it because it is so far away..form you.

    Iriver...a company far better known than ipods in asia...
    You don't hear a lot about them because they are so far away...
    Iriver's power is hasn't shown that in europe/usa fully yet but wait and see..
    This machine is going to prove that..

    Oh, and some minor questions answered...

    WiBro can support data transmission at speeds of around 3 megabits per second at distances of about 0.6 miles for devices traveling at up to 37 miles per hour. It's based on the same basic technology as WiMax, another emerging wireless Internet standard, and both are part of the IEEE802.16 family of technology standards. Compared to WiBro, WiMax works over a longer range but not as well with moving receivers.

    WiBro Draws Interest...

    Korean electronics and telecommunications companies have taken the lead on WiBro development and demonstrations of the technology are planned for later this month at the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Busan, South Korea. Commercial networks are expected to start in the country sometime next year and Reigncom's planned player will be introduced roughly in line with the launch of the networks.

    Reigncom said it will work on the player with KT, South Korea's largest telecommunications carrier, with a view to launching the player in August 2006. No other details of the planned player were available.

    South Korea's government expects there will be 9 million subscribers to WiBro networks by 2011. The country had a population of 48 million in 2003.

    So you now know about that KT and WiBro logo on the baby...
    (By the way..KT stands for Korean Telecom just like BT stands for British Telecom..)

    Good, i feel good after writing this...
    iriver will be proud..^0^

    That's what I would personally say, STOP being brand kiddies and STOP think that Sony and ipods are the best because they are NOT!

    And remember, this machine will PROVE IT!

    Thanks for reading and...
    my love to iriver...
    and you guys for the feedbacks...

    *There are the specs:

    800x600 LCD Screen
    Game-pad is slided underneath the screen
    Thinner and lighter than the PSP.( 0.6cm and 125g)
    4 or 8gig of interanal FLASH storage.
    Full homebrew support
    Revised Windows CE Mobile Edition (as part of the firmware)

    Screenshots? Go to gogole.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Iriver's console is doomed to failure.

    The DS is too damn gimmicky and the games are geared towards younger camers... Nintendogs? wtf. :|

    The PSP, Firmware, pffft, that's the least of my worries... most games just plain suck, the one thing that bugs me is the screen, it's rubbish... the ghosting can take you off the whole gaming experience... not that bad on 3d, but load up an emulator and play Sonic... he's got a blue trail now :|

    The GP2x... no 3rd party support, looks great but I hate that dodgy, horrible bulge at the back, great for emus but that's about it...

    The Iriver... reminds me of the N-Gage or the Gizmondo... a gaming device made by people who don't know the first thing about videogames, the button layout alone has carpal syndrome written al over it.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    ok, thats all good dude, but we dont care, we have PSP's, or DS's or GP2X. . . thats what the comparison was for . . . . and also, i havent ever heard of this system so therefore, its not an easy to buy product yet now is it? and that would make your intire bible-esque(in length) story unimportant, cause we still cant get one!. . . but i digress

    anyway, I wasnt quite sure if this was a forum that people wanted to post on? or discuss PSP's DS's and GP2X's

    but i beleave that PSP is the easyest system to use for the homebrew thats out, it has simple program selection, easy to understand wifi setup, and good games if you want to give up your firmware 1.5 for them as well as the fact that, Falcom the 1987 makers of the greatest RPG video game "Y's the vannished omens" Falcom works mostly with sony, so the new Ys 6 is coming out for psp, giving them an awesome game... But DS on the other hand has poor quality games, mostly still 2d, or if they are 3d its almost pointless to be 3d. . but there is going to be a resedent evil on DS, so i must say it is going to have at least 1 good game on it lol . . . and lastly, i dont know a lot about the GP2X but it sounds like a rip-off of the popularity of the psp in japan when it was still 1.0 firmware. . . it was a very interesting idea to be able to program what you wanted to for your portable system, and GP2X kinda took that and ran with it after sony was starting to restrict the homebrew usage. . . other then that it sounds like a very easy to use system, but i still like my PSP

    So bottom line, I beleave that PSP reigns supreme when cmopared with the others

    Thankz for reading what I had to say


  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    I was talking to youngjoonshi, not flipao, i didnt know someone else was going to post lol

  7. #7


    k, psp has a good screen very bad games xept for a very few. ds has 2 awesome screens (a little small) ok games. gp2x can you even get that in stores? well psp is very overpriced. so is ds. gp2x sounds more fair with the tv out. and all the crap. k to make a long storie short. consoles are way better but if your a portable kinda guy than go for it.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    The thing about PSP is the delay with the LCD screen it has very bad delay before the screen can shut off each pixel, it makes playing GTA realy annoying, you go to run and there is a black streak behind his head, as far as i know though, thats only on the usa, Sharp LCD's, it also has bad "Dead Pixel" issues, i just had 2 pixels go out while watching family guy on it the other night, and i will agree, the prices are a little extreme, DS is cheap if u ask me, PSP at $340 bucks with a memory card was a little much.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default easy choice

    I have all 3 handhelds.
    Here is my list:
    1. GP2X
    2. PSP
    4. Nintendo DS

    The GP2X and the PSP are very different but complimentary to each other. GP2X for homebrew and emulation (and it had gotten HUGE support in the month it has been out) and the PSP for movies and commercial games. Get both of these if you can.

    The DS is a very distant 3rd machine. My DS just sits in a drawer, as I have very little use for it these days. It does not really have any advantages over either of the other machines. I am going to give it to my 6 year old nephew.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    bagmouse - what can the gp2x do that the psp cant?

    I keep hearing over and over again the gp2x is a homebrew king - yet I look at the psp and cant see what its missing homebrew wise!

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