After taking a brief stint away from Nintendo consoles to make Spider Man Friend or Foe for the Xbox 360, Next Level Games went back to the Wii. They haven’t announced their next project yet, but the OFLC spilled the beans by rating Jungle Speed and listing Next Level Games as the developer.

At a first glance Jungle Speed the name looks like a racing game, possibly one that could star a certain hairy Nintendo mascot. I’m betting this is going to be a card game though. Jungle Speed is also the name of a revised 3,000 year old card game based on an Aboulou Tribe ritual. The goal of Jungle Speed is to match and get rid of all your nearly identical cards by grabbing the totem in the center when you think you spot a match. The faster player gives up his cards to the less agile one, but you have to be cautious since grabbing the totem when you think you have a match means you have to pick up all of the cards on the table. Jungle Speed sounds like a game of mental and physical reflexes. It also sounds like it could work on the Wii with cards automatically flipping on the screen and the Wii remote acting as a makeshift totem. Hmm… could Jungle Speed be a future WiiWare game?