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Thread: BackStopp Software Can 'Self-Destruct' Sensitive Mobile Phone Data

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games BackStopp Software Can 'Self-Destruct' Sensitive Mobile Phone Data

    via Gizmodo

    If you're concerned about sensitive data you may have stored on your phone, be it bank details, email addresses or photographs of a secret underground lair, British IT innovator Virtuity has come up with a rather nifty 'Mission Impossible' style solution.

    If a phone is lost or stolen, the software can detect where it is anywhere in the world using WiFi and GSM communications and start deleting any information that might be dangerous in the wrong hands.

    It adheres to US Department of Defence standards for data removal and once complete a report is sent back with information on what was erased and where the phone is.

    Initially it'll be released for Windows Mobile devices that offer business application but this will be expanded and development is already underway for the Symbian OS.

    BackStopp also offers software that'll do a similar job for laptops and its applications come with handy features such as encryption and the fact that it's 'always on' and not reliant on an internet connection to work.

    Check out the official website below for more details or to request free trial.

  2. #2
    PSP User Ennohex's Avatar
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    Ok, due to my complete and utter paranoid nature, this sounds like a REALLY BAD IDEA.
    "Tell" someone else where your sensitive information is so that someone/thing can delete it.
    That's kinda like saying, "here's the keys to my Lexus, could you push it into that parking bay over there?"

    Again, paranoid nature.

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