Not much news for today. Some good and bad news for DJ Max fans: Square Enix's Soul Eater: Battle Resonance is coming to the PSP on January 29th. Soul Eater: Battle Resonance is a fighter style game similar to that of Final Fantasy: Dissidia, another one of Square Enix's fighting games for the PSP. Soul Eater: Battle Resonance has an ad-hoc feature enabling PSP users to face-off against each other with varying camera angles if so desired. DJ Max Portable: Clazziquai Edition, a rhythm game for the PSP, has been revlealed to have a "link disc" feature. Using this feature in combination with DJ Max Portable 2 you can unlock interesting new content including new character icons, the Syriana song, and the Summer Time Gear. The Summer Time Gear "changes the mobile phone interface to a girl holding a beach ball." It seems Imageepoch, the developers of Luminous Arc for the DS, might be developing a new PSP game. No news on title though. Bad news for DJ Max fans. PM Studios has announced that DJ Max Fever will not be released next week, instead is scheduled for release sometime in early 2009. Sorry DJ Max fans! On the up side, some new sreenshots have appeared for DJ Max Fever!
