Hi I have installed the Homebrew Channel beta 7 on a PAL Wii with system software 2.2e (i think). The channel installs fine and can be accessed from the wii menu but when i start it i get a black screen and the Wii sounds like it's powered down. I'm reluctant to think it's anything to do with the SD card as I installed the HBCb7 on two PAL Wii's literally ten mins before hand with the same card and files, no problem. I also tried HBC b9 but this wouldn't work on any of them due to the older firmware i guess.(Stuck on "loading binary file")

Any ideas? Is there anyway i can download and install a firmware of my choice coz i know the new update disables homebrew?

Or what if i installed tona's wii shop and IOS51 installer? Would that let me try using the newer version of the HBC?

Thanks for any help.