Capcom announced a release date for Dead Rising: Zombie no Ikenie, better known as Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop here, will come out on February 19 in Japan. This version of Dead Rising breaks down the Xbox 360 game into a series of missions and utilizes the control scheme from Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition.

You can point at the screen with the remote to aim and shoot at zombies. However, if you’re expecting the same experience you’re going to be sorely disappointed. As it’s been mentioned many times before Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop doesn’t pile the screen with zombies like the Xbox 360 game so you get a totally different kind of game. Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop is more like a light gun game than Dead Rising. Actually, Capcom should have gone with a straight light gun spin off or Dead Rising Snap. Both could have worked and prevented inevitable comparisons to the original game.

Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop costs 7,340 yen ($75) in Japan, but I don’t expect Capcom USA to sell the game for that much. Retailers in the USA are currently pricing Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop at $39.99.