via Computer and Video Games

360 hasn't been doing too badly in Japan lately, having recently outsold PS3 for six weeks running. And The Last Remnant could be the game to give the platform that extra kick it needs in the Far East.

The Square Enix RPG has score a massive 38/40 in Famitsu magazine scoring 10, 10, 9 and 9 from its four reviewers (via NeoGAF).

Full translations of the review are yet to filter through, but from that score we're guessing they like it. And Square expects our western brains to like it too.

"Our goal with The Last Remnant was always to make a game that would be welcomed by a global audience," said producer Nobuyuki Ueda recently.

"Our fans across Europe have been very supportive towards us, and we wanted to give them the opportunity to play the game at the same time as fans in Japan. We hope they'll enjoy playing The Last Remnant as much as we have enjoyed making it," he added.

The game's due out worldwide on 360 on November 20.