An Entry in the WinDS coding Competition.


Author: Chetic
Download: binary and sources (434 kb)
Comments by Francesco: This app is very nice, including all basic features of an organizer. It's easy to use, practical and able to store and reload data. Very useful, too!
Comments by LiraNuna: Wow! Impressive application! Task organizing application! That's what i've allways wanted on my DS! This one could get full score from me if i could erase tasks
Comments by Papero: What can I say? This is an entry that could grow up our WinDS! It is an Organizer like the ones you can find on PDAs. You can organize all your planned tasks by setting up expiration dates on this little app. Of course you can set groups and assign it a colour that allows to recognize a task by looking at the calendar. A very useful app! Because it uses a filesystem, it does not work on emus.

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