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Thread: How Does the world feel about Obama?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default How Does the world feel about Obama?

    Sure sure, people don't want to talk about post election issues, especially since things of such a nature usually attract investigations. and such things.

    But, last time I checked myself, I was still a free man, and as such I'm about to open the flood gates. I think Obama was the best thing for this country.

    I voted for obama, my wife voted for obama, I honestly believe the man can bring about change. But the Truth is. no matter how great a man Obama is, This change will be difficult if not impossible without the support of the American citizens,

    Needless to say He has my support, And I do agree history was made on November 4'th,

    But, at the same time, I'm upset and angry with America, it seems some ignorant people didn't want obama to be the president, just because of the color of his skin.

    To be honest, I believe that people who think like that shouldn't have the right to vote anyway. They should be labeled incompetent. and have their voting privileges revoked.

    Don't get me wrong people have the right to vote for whoever they see fit. But if a persons only reason for voting for McCain was that he was an old fat rich white man, Then those people are just too ignorant to have a right to vote. Likewise, if someone voted for obama just because He was black, Then those people are ignorant and need to have their voting privileges taken away,

    I researched both presidential candidates, And came to the conclusion
    That obama was the best person to fix the Economy.

    in every debate they had, Obama torched McCain on every issue, It's was a sight to behold,

    The truth is, no matter who you voted for, or if your not in America, no matter who you where rooting for, It's time we came together, and supported change.

    Because America can not change unless we all change along with it.

    I thought long and hard about posting such a delicate issue. Then I remembered that's what freedom was all about.

    peace. Sp.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    silence doesn't make problems go away.
    fear to speak about the issues, doesn't solve anything.
    pretending the problem doesn't exist, doesn't make it so.

    ignorance is silence.
    My post is in response to such news as the above links.

    outrageous, it makes me angry that in the new melineum. back water pond s$#@! such as that still slithers upon the earth.

    in a perfect world. such threats would never have happened, But silence does not stamp out ignorance.

    On a lighter side, I will admit. perhaps this topic is a little to heavy for a gaming site...But yeah I guess I can understand if people don't want to talk about such a topic. not everyone want's to dive head first into such issues.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend Buddy4point0's Avatar
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    My gusta Obama mucho!
    Obama's plans were definitely better than McCain in every aspect in my opinion.
    I don't understand why anyone would've voted McCain unless they're rich or racist.

    I was also reading yesterday that Obama has received the most threats of any president so far.
    I really didn't think that united states was still this racist.

  4. #4
    Dream Coder
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    I think he's exactly what the country DIDN'T need, that being a leader elected through extreme abuse of rhetoric and charisma. Not that I disagree with policies of his, just the fact that his largest support base (18-23 yo college students) is completely ignorant of them and are going entirely on the basis of 'change' and 'yes we can'.

    Just like every generation, we think that the country is in the worst state that it could possibly be in, and any change will most certainly be for the best. That's just silly.

    Again, it's not that I disagree with him. I just disapprove of being elected for a smile and a soundbite. The world did not change overnight because Obama was elected.
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  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    See this is one of the most acceptable reasons not to vote for Obama, "The right reasons" I can see your point of view, and in some ways, I agree that Obama did really cheese it up and play the nice guy card too much,

    So your reasons for your opinion of Obama are quite valid,
    But at the same time, what politician isn't fake while they are campaigning?

    I saw my vote as the lesser of two evils, while i do believe Obama can change things. I wasn't so blinded by his act that I forgot he was a politician after all *nods

    Like other politician's I would expect that if we are lucky he may make good on at least 25 percent of his promises :P

  6. #6
    Dream Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet View Post
    See this is one of the most acceptable reasons not to vote for Obama, "The right reasons" I can see your point of view, and in some ways, I agree that Obama did really cheese it up and play the nice guy card too much,

    So your reasons for your opinion of Obama are quite valid,
    But at the same time, what politician isn't fake while they are campaigning?

    I saw my vote as the lesser of two evils, while i do believe Obama can change things. I wasn't so blinded by his act that I forgot he was a politician after all *nods

    Like other politician's I would expect that if we are lucky he may make good on at least 25 percent of his promises :P
    The biggest thing is that the rhetoric of 'change' and making it seem like you are an underdog in beliving in it are two big staples of dictatorships. Watching him speak seriously reminded me of all the films I've seen of Castro rallying his supporters at the University of Havana.

    I'm not at all implying that I believe Obama is some sort of dictator-to-be, again, just that I am uncomfortable with the nation getting in line with the same sort of rhetoric, as it makes it easier for one who is a wannabe dictator to creep in.

    With all that out of the way, I'll say I was really shocked by the differences in Obama and McCain's appearances of SNL. I judge a lot of a person and their character by their ability to laugh, make me laugh, and most of all laugh at themselves. McCain did a MUCH better job of that (hell, so did Romney and Juliani) than did Obama. McCain's first appearance on SNL, followed by Ellen the following monday was really amazing.

    By the way, I was disenfranchised, relieving me of the chance/ability/need to make what was for me a difficult choice in the election (my absentee ballot came ON the 4th, wtf did they think sending it out the friday before?).
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  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    I didn't get involved in the US president election so I don't really know (it's not my country)

    But I saw Obama as the lesser of two evils, McCain was simply too conservative, too white, and rich. (seriously what good can a person with those characteristics do?)

  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    I'll just say this. My grandfather ran a business in construction for years before he passed away. He had many employees and was very successful. However had Obamas plan to raise his taxes and force him to pay for health insurance for each of his employees been around he would have simply gone under. That would leave him with out work as well as all the people he employed.

    If Obama does what he says I fear that will be happening quite a lot.

    Force everyone to have health insurance or they pay a fine, raise gun taxes 500%, tax the richer to spread wealth to the poorer simply because its not fair for some people to have extra even if they worked hard for each penny.. Does that sound like America to anyone? I thought we were capitalist. You know that whole thing where you earn your money?

    The guy got elected almost completely on his ability to talk and get the young, ignorant people to vote his way. I cant even begin to tell you about all the people I know that we're belated when he won but couldnt even tell me where he served in the senate.

    I really hope I'm wrong about him but I think he'll make things even worse.. That is if someone crazy skin head doesnt shoot him with a deer rifle.. Its funny how so many people think racism is not that bad any more. You're just not looking in the right places..

    Just my opinion

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend Eviltaco64's Avatar
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    He rallied the ignorant and vulnerable age group, played the racial card (and soon had his followers play it for him), and used generic campaign slogans to get where he is. If he can get us out of this bad economic situation, well I tip my hat to the man, but there are two factors that prevent me from thinking that he's capable of doing so.

    First of all, he promises no more or limited tax raises for the middle class. Yet he promises several advances in the fields of health care and education. You can't just tax one class for just two of those fields alone if you get what I mean.

    Second, I've heard rumors of him taxing coal even more. Not only will that cause more people out in Western PA, West Virginia, Appalachia, etc to lose their jobs (after he promised these good people more jobs so they'd no longer have to "cling to their guns and religion out of insecurity"), but make us even more dependent on foreign trade when it comes to energy.

    I don't think he's any Communist that's going to be the downfall of our country, but I most certainly don't think he's it's savior, unlike many ignoramouses that don't know the man can't promise them the world and then satisfy each and every promise. He's definitely not the first man to get elected through charisma and smiles, and surely not the last.

    But, I suppose now that he's going in it doesn't matter what I say. I just hope he's still for legalization.

    EDIT: I may dislike the man, but know it's not for the color of his skin. Preferring a white man with policies you'd prefer over a black man with policies you don't like doesn't make you a racist.
    Last edited by Eviltaco64; November 17th, 2008 at 22:56.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Republican's or Democrat's it does not matter as they are nothing but opposite sides of the same coin.

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