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Thread: Rescuing Wygol’s Villagers in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS Rescuing Wygol’s Villagers in Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

    Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is in several instances thematically tied to the NES title Castlevania II: Simon’s Curse Quest, though the connections are oblique enough to lend the Nintendo DS title its own novel quality. In Japanese, the two games carry the subtitles of “The Accursed Seal” and “The Stolen Seal,” referring in both cases to the means by which to temporarily banish Dracula. What perhaps most closely links the two titles is the emphasis on action happening outside the castle, exploring the Transylvanian countryside and encountering its morally dubious country folk.

    Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest departed from its predecessor by including role-playing game elements such as collecting clues from townspeople and purchasing items from merchants. The developers lent an element of the series’ darkness to these familiar conventions by making all of the townspeople deliberate liars, misleading Simon in his quest to lift his curse. Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia features townspeople who, while not outright liars, are somewhat questionable, from the smarmy merchant to the complacent apothecary. While genial on the surface, the Wygol villagers you rescue during the course of vanquishing evil from the land seem ever so slightly tainted by the sinister atmosphere of their surroundings.

    Both the activity of rescuing the abducted villagers and the flawed character of the Wygolians themselves produce interesting consequences for a Castlevania with a female protagonist. Koji Igarashi mentioned back at E3 that the main character’s sadness, a consequence of being robbed of her memory early in the story, is a central thematic element. In saving so many lives and restoring the domestic scene of Wygol, Shanoa can be seen as something of a nurturer, specifically in contrast to the inhuman aloofness of Alucard in Symphony of the Night. However, both her mental ailment and the unsympathetic portrayal of those she saves works against this characterization.

    In terms of the story itself, Order of Ecclesia begins on the periphery of the familiar family drama that links many of the stories in the series. Rather than centering on sons of Simon or Dracula, the Belmont clan has lost favor in its eternal struggles against the Count. This is somewhere in the 19th century, when institutions begin arising for the purpose of replacing the vampire killing bloodline. The only order to produce results in this mission is Ecclesia. Led by Barlowe, research into glyphs proves the only effective measure outside the Belmont family’s magical whips in battling demons.

    However, choosing Shanoa as the recipient of the order’s glyphs causes a split in the factions of Ecclesia. Resentful, head-clutching Albus—a peer of the female protagonist—believes himself worthy of the position of the bearer of Dominus, the force determined to vanquish Dracula. He interrupts the initiation ritual during which Shanoa internalizes the power of the glyphs, thereby undermining her potential as a vampire killer and traumatizing her memory. She proceeds through the game knowing that she must defeat Albus only because she has been instructed by Barlowe. Her direct experience of the violence he has caused her is obscured by the act itself.

    Shanoa employs the training she received at Ecclesia whenever she encounters one of the glyphs found within the various stages of the game. Holding the up button, Shanoa pulls her hair back, revealing the markings on her shoulders and back, which absorb the power of the glyph. Rapier, lance and crossbow glyphs can be equipped to the X and Y buttons, allowing the player to alternate between these attacks. After completing the Minera prison stage, you are also given the option of alternating quickly between three sets of glyphs by pressing A and hitting the shoulder buttons. Upgrading weapons along the way lends an array of strategic depth to the title on the order of an RPG—a direction for the series that dates back not only to Symphony of the Night, but as far back as Simon’s Quest.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    The villagers in this game DO lie. A good portion of them say they intend to reward you for rescuing them...after you collect resources for them. And then instead of giving you an item when you do this dirty work for them most of them tell you that they will send the items they make to the store and you will have to pay for them. Some reward.

    Oh...anyway, since I am responding to this article I may as well review the game...

    The Good Points:
    After playing the game for a few hours, I must say this game is quite addictive. It has new enemies and more NPCs to interact with than previous Castlevania games on the Nintendo DS. The difficulty has also been cranked up a little bit in this game, which makes it more challenging. The fact that there are multiple areas to explore makes the game a bit more attractive since the last few Castlevania games took place inside Dracula's Castle (with the exception of Portrait Of Ruin, which also took place inside magical portraits inside Dracula's castle). The boss characters look pretty good and the story is not too bad. There are also a number of side quests you can perform after rescuing the villagers, which allows you to deviate from the main story occasionally and do something else.

    The Bad Points:
    All you have available for selecting an area is a map with a cursor, and several of the areas are a bit small, which leads to less of a sense of exploration than in previous Castlevania games. The glyph system could be a bit better at the beginning, you do get some actual magic glyphs later on in the game but you start off finding glyphs that look like and act as nothing more than physical weapons which led me to wonder, "Why is this character conjuring swords and hammers with her MP instead of wielding them? Is this all that I will get in the game?" Needless to say, this is a slight turn off. I preferred the other systems where magic and weapons were completely separate. The boss characters are a bit easier than some of the regular enemies in the game. Sure, they have plenty of hit points, but there are always "safe spots". I have on a couple of occasions beaten a boss with little effort only to get my arse handed to me by one of the next few new regular enemies. There does not seem to be any switches or other things to manipulate in the maps, adding them would have added more depth to the game. Oh, and the villagers' attitudes piss me off.

    Conclusion: This game does have more of what people have come to love about the Castlevania series and proves to be enjoyable and quite addictive, and fans of the series would like it. However, if you have not played a Castlevania game on the Nintendo DS yet (You didn't? Shame on you!), I would recommend picking up a copy of Portrait Of Ruin, the last Castlevania game before this one, instead. That game is a bit better in several ways.

  3. #3


    It's pretty good game, altough the story is so predicctable and cliche.
    The small areas reminded me from all the previous "non-castleroid" titles, which was pretty nice. It doesn't really matter that those areas are small when you get to the real Dracula's castle, which is almost as big as in other games.
    The music isn't much better than in Portrait of Ruin, but there's a music player (which you can get from a quest) and with it you can play "Vampire Killer", "Wicked Child", "Hearts of Fire" NES versions and many others ingame over the lamest tracks.
    If all those small "passage" areas were like old school castlevania levels, it would have been awesome.
    Even though this is a pretty good game (and IMHO better than PoR), I prefer the Dawn of Sorrow on DS. That game just rules.

    And I bursted to laughter when Shanon said: "Hear me, Dracula! I am the morning sun coming to vanquish this horrible night!"
    Last edited by Penguinator; November 21st, 2008 at 13:46. Reason: added a final note

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