While price cuts and Fable 2 appeared to boost Xbox 360 sales over here in the new country, in Europe – a magical land comprised mostly of stone buildings and quaint traditions – Microsoft is attributing "its biggest ever sales week" to something entirely foreign here in the colonies: family. While the current economic crisis has turned most American families (a term we use loosely) to disband and, in extreme cases, sell each other for lunch money, "British families are set to spend more quality time together than in the last ten years this Christmas." Uh, thanks economic downturn?

Unfortunately, the press release doesn't mention specifics for this record-breaking week, instead recalling the recent 7 million consoles milestone in Europe while trumpeting the upside of an economic crisis (families!). But this line of reasoning isn't limited to Europe; it works in America too! "Out of work? Hours cut at the factory? Starving? Consider an escape from your troubled existence with Xbox 360." Catchy, eh?
