If you thought you've seen the last of The Last Remnant, Square's recent East-meets-West RPG, you've got another thing coming -- actually, you've got four things coming. Throughout December, Square will be releasing four downloadable expansions to the already expansive title. The first two will drop simultaneously on Dec. 1 for Gold Xbox Live members (Silver members will have to wait until Dec. 8) -- "Challenge Pack 1: Purgatory's Sins" will add difficult new guild tasks to the game, while "The Key of Ancient Ruins" will... unlock some in-game Ancient Ruins.

On Dec. 22 (Dec. 29 for Silver members), Square will release "Challenge Pack 2: The Price of Lies", which will bestow even tougher guild tasks upon the game's more masochistic players. Finally, the "March to War" set, which unlocks three new battle formations and was rewarded to pre-orderers of the title, will be available for everyone to download Dec. 15. It will run players 100 -- the other three expansions will be totally free.
