Placa posted this news about the Dual Boot Project:

Hi all,
these are no news about Quake 2 this time but about my progress at PSPdualBoot and other projects.
Because I get about 40 mails every day I decided to give you some information's.
Progress in PSPdualBoot isn't that good as I want it to be because of some exams coming on I have to practice for. If everything works like I want it to work I will release it in the first quarter of 2006. But it is still possible that I come to a point where I don't get any further.
I do have 2 other projects beside dualboot, one of it is a tool which I write with dot_blank and one of my own. Dot and I started to code a NAND-Writer, we didn't do much yet, but this will change.
My own project has only got a project name until yet. It is called "ProjectElisha". I won't tell you more about this project at this time but it has something to do with 2.0. The name is just fun and has nothing to do with the program.