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Thread: DOOMDC no more?!? I need Your help!

  1. #1
    DCEmu Pro XDelusion's Avatar
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    Default DOOMDC no more?!? I need Your help!

    For some reason or another EVERYTHING was wiped from the server that was hosting my Dreamcast DOOM page:

    The down side is that at least one fourth of the wad files on there were personally modified by me so that they would work proper on the Dreamcast.

    The thing is that I no longer own a Dreamcast, nor would I have the time to go through each wad to test and modify that which needed fixed, so what I would like to request here is that anyone who happened to have downloaded the WAD files, or any other files from my page, please get in touch with me via E-mail if you would be interested in e-mailing me the WADs, or if FTP is possible I could go that route.

    You can get in touch with me here:

    Thank you for your time!


  2. #2


    I have published a post at anouncing this post, let's see if we have luck

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Okay, so I found two backups with quite a lot of files, one from 2007 and one from early 2008.

    I will upload the one from 2008 for you so maybe you can restore the website(s). If there are any corrupted files, I can also upload the one from 2007.

  5. #5

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