New from Divineo USA

Warning: No noobs are allowed to buy this modchip! The modchip comes blank, totally blank -- and it meant for modders, or people that like reading

InFeCtuS is the first versatile modchip ever released in the market, created to work with many different consoles.

Infectus developed this modchip with an OPEN concept, they used a core reprogrammable board, a 512kb flash on board and an USB interface for the PC communication.


The hardware has a very high quality component design:

- The core of INFECTUS is the new ACTEL ProASIC3 FAMILY, the new family after the famous APA075 used in the past in many PS2 projects.
- We used a 512Kb parallel flash SSTSF040, with a high transfer rate and performance.
- Finally, we have got a REAL USB2.0 processor. This high quality component can manage the communication between ACTEL and PC (mini usb connector).
- All of the chip PLD/FLASH/USB parts are 100% reprogrammable via USB communication.
- For security reasons, all of the applications stored in the flash are AES 128-bit encrypted, to protect our work against chinese market!
- The project is produced in Europe with the last technology of BSDL testing.