Hi I知 new here and hope I知 writing this in the right place, I知 a small time composer from the south of England, I am trained and have qualifications in music, composition and music tech, I壇 like to start composing for homebrew games (for free of course), i have been playing homebrew for years and really love the imagination and talent they show, i am friendly and have a good motivation to see a project to the end, i can compose pieces for sound tracks but also can create sound effects (i studied sound effects for a considerable time while taking my music tech course), i hope if you use me you will be pleased with my work, and i will compose how you feel the game's music should be, but of course it is your project and if you do not decide to use my work i will understand completely if any one is interested in using my services or they think they can help me then please reply or send me an email at [email protected], Please don't Hesitate to contact me, I would very much like to work with some homebrewers, thanks for your time