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Thread: PSIX Feature List Released

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Question PSIX Feature List Released

    We already posted a week or so ago about the emergence of the PSIX replacement shell project and today a feature list of that project has been unveiled, heres the listing:

    <blockquote>Features to be included for launch day :

    - Eboot/UMD Launching with Psix callback
    - Fully featured audio player
    - Audio player playlist with shuffle, repeat, loop etc.
    - Image viewer
    - CPU Speed adjustment
    - Customizable eboot icons
    - File manager
    - Two professional skins, Default and Termina
    - Module management system
    - Customizable backgrounds

    Features for future releases :

    - Network functionality, updating, downloading and sharing
    - Video playback (may make it for release)
    - Advanced boot configuration (2.00 eboot support)
    - RSS reader

    Modules :-

    - Ski-Free
    - Text reader/editor
    - Notebook
    - PBP (Psix Basic Painter)
    - Psix Calendar/Scheduler </blockquote>

    Hmm paying for homebrew is a no no just like paying for homebrew downloads and lets be fair any site that does that deserves the beating Sony will no doubt give them, Dreamcast Fans will remember Bleemcast and what Sony did there with lawsuits etc. Lets keep our Homebrew scene free, sure all coders deserve our donations but paying for homebrew and other ideas like paying for premium membership and downloads must never be entertained by the mainstream.

    Agree or disagree ? answer via the comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    agree. paying for homebrew is retarded and it is something i will never do

  3. #3
    DCEmu Coder
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    it's up to the authors if they want to sell their software as long as they're not violating any copyrights or licenses.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Regular slayer2psp's Avatar
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    good luck i will not buy it and as soon as one persone gets it we can all have it for free anyways go work for sony if you want to sell it

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Ignorant!

    Wraggster, once again you fail to help the scene at all

    Did you post about the PDR project on Naoneo? you even know what that is? If you don't, then I suggest you look on the site!

    Here's what Fluff has had to say recently:

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluff
    To be completely honest, if we were to continue to make software for the psp, it'd be only available to psix pro users, not because i want to make more money, but because honestly, people are narrow minded arrogant asses about everything, disrespecting the developers at the drop of a hat, they complain that a pay-version exists, seemingly completely overlooking the free version which is more functional than any other shell out at this time, to me the purchase of psix pro doesnt just mean cha-ching money, it shows me that said user appreciates the application and respects the work we've done, which makes me feel more inclined to give said users additional benefits such as games we probably wont release anywhere else.

    People sit and say charging for psix pro will be the death of the psp scene, but theyre wrong, the freeloading asswipes with no respect for the hand that feeds their mouths, are the ones killing the scene, all they want to do is take, take and take some more, if anything appears that required them to give a single thing back, they flare up in a rage.

    So honestly, no, we will be too busy working on updates to psix to bother publicly releasing dual saviour, however we'll just give betas to psix pro users instead.

    Now on a serious note, i want you people reading this post to go to the main site and read all the comments on the psix news post, then ask yourself this.
    If you spent the past 7 months working on an application, and in those 7 months your father passed away, and you stopped updating because you were obviously away for good reasons, only to return to find people flaming and claiming the software you are working on is vapourware, then, CONSTANTLY be harrased for the next 6 months about the application you're working on, you finally think what the hell we can release soon, i'll let people know its out soon", only to have comments like those on the front page thrown at you, from ill informed people without a clue about the software you worked on, just how pissed off would you feel?
    If it wasnt for the fact alot of decent respectful people are looking forward to trying out psix, i'd be sorely tempted to say screw it, and ditch the free version all together, but dispite the anger over the disrespectful asses, and the constant flaming, personal attacks and bull****, we've kept on trucking and we're a week away from release,

    To people who may end up buying psix, enjoy the lite version, and think about the exciting new additions the updates will bring to you

    To people waiting for it to be cracked and download it for free, screw you
    Wraggster, please, spare us your news posts that flame our good developers, there is a FREE VERSION!!! SO STOP COMPLAINING

  6. #6


    Righto! Commercial Homebrew = Wrong. Isn't Sony's commercialism what we're fighting here?

  7. #7


    hi! new here and to the psp i just got it like last week so all this stuff you can do is cool and i luv this site. but what do you mean by

    Hmm paying for homebrew is a no no just like paying for homebrew downloads
    where do you have to pay to download homebrew?!?!?????

  8. #8
    PSP Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by pakkman781
    Righto! Commercial Homebrew = Wrong. Isn't Sony's commercialism what we're fighting here?
    Umm... no, not really. Sony are more than welcome to develop hardware and games that we will pay for. You can't expect them to do all this for free.

    What I personally am against (and I can't speak for everyone else) is Sony's attempt to control our freedom over what we do with the device. So long as what I do isn't harming Sony's bottom line (and is probably even helping it), then I think it should be allowed.

    As for charging for homebrew - I can't say it's my idea of the right thing to do, but it's Fluff's prerogative to charge if it's felt appropriate. So long as Sony have no objection (which remains to be seen), then who does it hurt? You don't have to buy it if you don't want it, it's not like a shell is essential to your PSP's well-being.
    Using firmware v2.00-v2.80? Open up a whole world of homebrew here
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  9. #9


    I dont think its all that bad, just look at it as a donation for the hard work they've done. Pacmanfan isnt asking for donations yet im sure he recieves them because people are happy for what he has done/doing for the community. Now it may be going over the line with forcing a donation but they offer a lite version for free so I am not complaining one bit and if you could spare a few dollars and give them a pat on the back for there hard work they may actually want to start coding more for the psp.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I have to agree that homebrew should be free however i agree with fanj that if the author feels that he should charge for it then he is entitled to. However i am very sorry but from reading some of psix creators posts, there entire attitude some how reminds me of the mess that yoshi caused. Now i know this is not the same what i am saying is my personal feelings toward this author have changed dramitcally due to their behaviour.

    They advise us not to bitch and moan yet do the same them selfs and sell their product for finacial gain and only release beta's onto the product that the pro version users paid for, this seems somewhat hypocritical and i do not like being told the only way i can get future release's is to pay for the software in the first place. Yes there is a free version but as stated pro users will get beta's and extras ect ect.. "to me this is similar to sony forcing us to upgrade to get better movie quality or to be anle to play the latest game"

    Again this is just my opinion and i am not trying to convert or convince anyone else of it, just airing my view that if they produced a piece of software that i genually thought was great i would donate money to the author, the same as when a great game comes out i buy it and dont download it. How do i know and how can i trust this person who is shouting "**** you assholes" etc etc etc to give me good customer service with the 15 bucks he is offering. How do i know the updates WILL continue. How do we know this.. we dont. Supply a superb piece of software and let it be free and support and maintain it well and watch the support flood in. But tell people what to do and you are loosing a large part of an already small market, not good business ethics IHMO.

    Personally i would love to see the owner relase the source and watch the product develop into the biggest/best shell for the psp but i know (and understand why) that will never happen.
    I really do hope they chose not to try and charge people for this as it really does turn me off and giving the people you are trying to sell this product to a load of jip (abuse) is not a good way to get us on side.

    Over and out.

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