Take-Two expects Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on the DS to do quite well. The company hasn't really been putting their Mature-rated content on Nintendo systems that often, aside from the notorious Manhunt 2. But that's probably going to change in the near future, and, according to CEO Ben Feder, the company will be looking at the performance of GTA to help guide their plans on Wii:

"... Even the M-rated content that we think is much more appropriate for the PS3 or 360," he said in a financial earnings call, "we have to look at the Wii as a viable platform across all our labels." Not just the sports games and the Carnival Games! Feder said that Take-Two is going to do "a lot of learning" with Chinatown Wars.

We're of the opinion that all Take-Two really has to do is make some high-quality original games and market them like they would any of their mature titles. At least they aren't just taking the easy way out and putting out an exclusively Carnival Games lineup.
