News/release from darkso

Hello everybody. I am in a group of Spanish programming called DarkSceneGroup which is designing an Operating System (OS) for the DS.
In the public the Alpha OS contains these features:
Text-Editor. Haun can not save files.
Buttons-testers. Failure to add the Start and Select.
-Paint. For the moment does not save images.
-Sound Recorder. The function of saving will be implemented.
One-Listador Archives. At the moment only the list, allows open no nothing
One-updater. At the moment it does not work.
-Turn off the DS. When you click on Shut Down goes off alone.

Functions for the new version:
-Windows Media Player. Is implemented, but the audio sounds very weird and does not play songs normal.

For now only expect these updates.
This Images are from Alpha 0.1
0.1.1 Alpha
Official website:

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