PlayStation 3 and PSP play nice together, so we've always been a bit baffled as to why Microsoft hasn't created similar synergy between the Xbox 360 and its iPod-chaser, Zune. Now it looks like MS is taking steps to formally introduce the devices to one another – at least that's what one of its job postings suggests.

According to CNET, Microsoft is looking to add a user experience designer to its Zune group, with a focus on the Zune user interface, Zune PC application – used to access the Zune Marketplace – and ... the Zune Xbox application? It could be that the company is working on a means to (finally) download, manage and transfer Zune Marketplace content on 360 to Zune (and vice-versa). MS has said that the New Xbox Experience will make it easier to roll out extension services (see Netflix and Photo Sharing) without the need for major system updates.