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Thread: Homebrew Game Project

  1. #1

    Exclamation Homebrew Game Project

    I have and idea of an online homebrew PSP game.
    I'm posting this to find some people who would join me and help with the project together as a team.

    I have some basic knowledge in LUA coding for PSP, but I don't expect me writing many lines for the game, though Ill still be learning LUA more and more.
    What I will be doing is: Writing games story, history, quests, part of NPC dialogues and bios and ultimately planning and creating the game world. The whole game is expected to be in 2 dimensions, but that will be only the beginning. If we get that far of completing 30-40% of the game, we can start early alpha tests. Why? This game will be all about community and RPG, like you go online, pump out a cup of beer with friends, go exploring and adventuring to far lands and city's meeting other people and sort of creating your own story...

    The features, I must admit, are fairly ambitious and seem like too high to reach, but that is why we would start from 30% of game, which will be enough for the start, because this game will expand even when it reaches its 100%:

    O) Chat (or even voice chat or any other communication possibility)
    O) Emotions and Emoticons
    O) From 2 races and 5 classes, character appearance customization
    O) Pet companion
    O) Working skills like cooking, fishing, smithing etc.
    O) Different ways to travel like land, air and water mounts, personal or cruising.
    O) Party and buddy skills like trading, using one mount together etc.
    O) Mailing system, Friends list
    O) Reputation system
    O) Player, Guild, Clan Housing and hideouts
    O) Player versus Player, Clan, Guild and world PvP
    O) Arenas, Battlegrounds
    O) Events and tournaments
    O) Mini-games
    O) Screenshot taking
    O) etc. etc. etc.

    As you can see there is quite a lot and difficult features, but we wont be aiming for the difficult ones until we have pretty much finished the game like:

    1) 1 or 2 races, 2 or 3 classes at the very start
    2) 40 to 50 quests at the start
    3) Chat
    4) Possibly mailing system
    5) 2/7 to 1/3 of the world landscape finished at start
    6) Combat system
    7) 15 to 30 skills overall at the start
    8) Possibly Character creation customization
    9) Taking Screenshots (to show bugs or report)
    10) Possibly getting the game to connect online already.

    The games is, of course, set in a fantasy universe.
    But I still haven't decided what style of graphics would fit the best for PSP small screen and online capability's.
    No worries about the controls, because I have the all planned pretty much, I think.

    Post what you know and what you want to do in this thread to join. If some people join, Ill create blog with forum for the project to use right away. The name for now could be "Stream Online Portable". Stream because I have a pretty neat idea of the world!

    If this game still seems quite too far to reach yet, there is no problem in stating from smaller games to bigger ones and sooner or later this game shall go live. Every single thing has its solution, and If we wont give up and keep working on it, we shall find it. We are people just like others. We can create great things too, like Sony, Blizzard, Square Enix and all others, all we need is to keep striving to the top and who knows, some day we might release this game in 3D for PSP2(/PSP-4000) or multi-platform. We can become like the big companies, and thous who will fight for it, will achieve it some day. And I am hoping these days I and those who would join with me will not give it all up as long as we still can make it better and better.

    Not all are required full, but there are always free space for everyone, very important are people who have some suggestions, since this game is for everyone who has a PSP to enjoy.

    (I add only those where is at least one. If you want coding, just say so and join.. I'll list you. )
    Ill list here all those people who joined:

    Story 1/2 : Darksen,
    Quests 1/3 : Darksen,
    World Map/Environments 1/3 : Darksen,
    NPC dialogues/bios 1/2 : Darksen,

    I am really hoping this project will live more than a couple of weeks, like all other projects I tried and didn't find anyone able to team up.
    Ill be checking this thread regularly for any new posts.

    Thank you.
    Last edited by Darksen; December 23rd, 2008 at 13:37.

  2. #2


    DCEmu - dead?

  3. #3
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    No, just Christmas. That is a ridiculously huge feature list that will even take full professional teams years to produce. I highly recommend you cut down that feature list to something more achievable in a smaller time frame.
    Last edited by yaustar; December 28th, 2008 at 06:59.

  4. #4


    You're not going to get anywhere. Basically you just said:
    Hi, I know basic LUA stuff, but I know that won't be very useful. I want this game really badly, so you get to make it for me the way I want it!

    I mean, sure that'd be great and all, but it's so unrealistic it's not funny. A more realistic goal would be to create a game model or engine which could be easily added on to and customized. Something that lots of different developer teams could make their own games from.

    That would be a much better contribution to the community.

  5. #5


    I dont like to repeat or to re-read, but didnt you notice i said we're gonna start from the very beginning of basics? small village, couple of NPCs, actions and a character... and so on. all those features are a target to reach for while doing this. It will take more than a year of course untill it is something near an infrastructure multiplayer game.

    I could as well develop just an arena where players compete, and few villages where that spend time between action... that could be better, and I said that we dont need to start with this game already, just with a simple game...

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    What you need to realize is that doing an arena and village etc is no different than doing a full game in terms of game engine/library scope. You will need to create a library of functions to pull off all of that...essentially a fully operating game engine.

    Once you have that in place whether you make one or two towns is really of no relevance...its the library to pull all of that off that will take a long time and more resources than just basic LUA knowledge.
    Last edited by Epyx; January 7th, 2009 at 21:53.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie staticshade's Avatar
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    no need to shoot the guy down. it's alright to want to do stuff like this the homebrew communitee is a bit lacking in quality games at the moment

    you have to be careful most people will not help you unless you have something substantsial to bring to the table

    as you've got to realize that a lot of people have ideas and think they can make a game but then underestimate the amount of work that has to be done and then quit.

    my idea would be do all the tutorials for whatever version of lua your going to be using i recommend the "phoenix game engine" and then start by making smaller games or bits of a game and you'll get the hang of it in no time

    i just reread your post, online is a big deal you should definately wait till you grasp the basics of offline first. i havn't seen a proper online game with lua on the psp yet

    hope that helps

    Last edited by staticshade; January 7th, 2009 at 22:57.

  8. #8
    Senior Staff Artist PSPdemon's Avatar
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    The main problem here which most have either said or will agree on is that the sheer size of the project....

    lets take the art side of things... finding a artist(s) to aid on the project and be dedicated to it will be a hard thing to come by let alone accomplish. lets look at what he wants in it for a starting point.
    1) 1 or 2 races, 2 or 3 classes at the very start
    5) 2/7 to 1/3 of the world landscape finished at start
    8) Possibly Character creation customization
    we will start off with the first one...

    im guessing the character art style will be something like RO or of the like... Meaning animation wise ( let alone "creating" wise ) id need to come up with 2 races that have 2-3 classes in each ( meaning a total of 4-6 variant designs ). now those all have to be animated to do basic stuff... running, walking, sitting, idle, attacking.... so we will say each one is 2-5 frames.. thats 100-150 frames of animation to do BASIC things ( not including different attack animations and such )

    number 5 is even a larger one to count for....

    the artist would have to design the environments to match the characters in art wise ( obviously )..... the problem is you have battle grounds, towns, explorable plains, ect and so on... these take a huge amount of time to do esspecially if you want to make it vast enough. this will most likely be the killer for most of the development of this large of a scale game ( again.... saying you will find a artist dedicated enough to stay that long )

    lastly... ahh character customization... i love it and would have every game do it lol... but again thats another VAST part of the art... hair styles, eye color, body type, skin color maybe even face and clothes that make your character a base.... that has to be applied to both race and classes which is huge ( although not as huge as the 2 previously stated )

    we look at just that alone and it will discourage most artist in the homebrew scene... ofcourse what ive listed is just the tip of the iceberg... theres UI work, lots of monsters and enemy designs, weapontry.... just to name a few on that...

    im not saying this cant be done....but its definantly a large project that most coders and artist in the scene just simply will not do or have the time to do ( most like this end up either never completed or abandoned... )

    all i can say is i wish you the best of luck on this project and hope that everything works out

    Thanks for Everything,
    404 Error: This signature is missing!

  9. #9


    i live for psp hacking and psp itself lol
    what help you need, im pretty well with all of this

    PM me if you like

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