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Thread: A simple howto for compile mplayerwii from source under linux

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Dec 2008
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    Post A simple howto for compile mplayerwii from source under linux

    I see someone here complain compling mplayerwii from source can't success.
    The following is my try for compiling mplayerwii from source. In fact, it compiles, and runs. But strange, the mplayerwii which I compiled can't seek in avi, I don't know why now.
    This is what I do:

    0. I asume you have a workable devkitpro env under linux

    1. use such cmd to download source from google code:
    svn co mplayerwii-read-only

    copy libogc to your devkitpro env ( you should do some backup)

    2. download MPlayer-1.0rc2.tar.bz2 from MPlayer site. use such cmd to extract it.

    tar xjvf MPlayer-1.0rc2.tar.bz2

    3. cd MPlayer-1.0rc2; patch -p1 < ../mplayerwii-read-only/mplayer-patch

    sed -i -e 's?/c/devkitPro/devkitPPC/bin/??' config.mak
    sed -i -e 's?HOST_CC = powerpc-gekko-gcc?HOST_CC = gcc?' config.mak

    I see many warnings, but it can compile to almost the end.

    4. rm mplayerwii-read-only/mplayer/*.o
    rm mplayerwii-read-only/mplayer/*.a

    we will use stuff we compiled ourself.

    cd MPlayer-1.0rc2
    cp *.o ../mplayerwii-read-only/mplayer
    cp `find . -name *.a` ../mplayerwii-read-only/mplayer

    5. cd mplayerwii-read-only;make
    you perhaps see a error said can't find -lstream
    I just rename mplayer/stream.a to mplayer/libstream.a
    Last edited by yystar; December 24th, 2008 at 15:44.

  2. #2


    I'm trying to compile it myself... it is impossible!

    I have tested from r18 to r21 and when I try to play files on DVD it freezes o returns to the menu after a while.

    However the online dols I could find all work well!

    I have tryed with the latest toolchain, even compiling the toochain myself...

    Any ideas?

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