Valve will officially reveal downloadable content for Left 4 Dead, its November-released zombie shooter, "shortly." During a video podcast with Kotaku (via Shacknews), one of the game's writers, Chet Faliszek, confirmed that Valve is working on new scenarios, "What we want to do is just deliver more content you can play at this point."

Faliszek also revealed that Valve has plans on incorporating the Versus mode to the Dead Air and Death Toll campaigns. Currently, only Blood Harvest and No Mercy are playable in Versus.

In addition, the game writer said that, unlike Team Fortress 2 updates, Valve plans on releasing Left 4 Dead DLC for the Xbox 360 and PC platforms at the same time.

During the podcast, which was recorded on December 15, Faliszek speculated that the game's DLC announcement may come before Christmas. That, however, did not happen. Faliszek did state that announcement delays may happen as a result of the company's press guys going on vacation. However, he added, "We'll have an announcement shortly, I don't know exactly when."

Typically, PC versions of Valve releases receive free updates through Steam, the company's popular digital-distribution service, but no official pricing plans for either PC or Xbox 360 platforms have been announced. IGN has attempted to reach Valve for additional DLC details.