2008, it was predicted, was to be the beginning of the end for Microsoft. It's lead over Sony was born of an early launch and the competition fumbling its first year, some said. But with the forward-looking PS3 picking up steam, the 360 would slowly lose market share and eventually cede the year, sales-wise, to Sony.

Now however, it looks like that won't be the case, and the reason for the turn-around is also the story of the console's 2008--a series of strong management decisions and wise market reads that could give the business the strength to power through the entirety of the generation.

* HD-DVD Dies, 360 Player Goes With It - February 25
* Sony, MS, Duke it Out for GTA Supremacy - May 15
* Shane Kim Gets Promoted - June 12
* Microsoft Wrests Final Fantasy XIII Exclusivity from Sony - July 14
* Microsoft Undercuts Wii's Value Price Point - September 5
* Halo Wars Becomes Ensemble's Swan Song - September 9
* Japanese 360 Sales Get Surprising Surge - September 17
* Gears of Wars 2's 2 Million Weekend - November 12
* New Xbox Experience Launches to Success - November 19
* Xbox 360 Outsells its Predecessor - November 24
