Capcom Europe revealed today -- and reiterated in a few cases -- the release schedule for the publisher's titles in the first quarter of 2009.

February TBA - Flock (XBLA/PSN)

February 20 - Street Fighter IV (X360/PS3)

February 27- Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop (Wii)

February 27- Neopets Puzzle Adventure (Wii/DS/PC)

March 13 - Resident Evil 5 (X360/PS3)

March TBA - MotoGP (Wii)

March TBA - Bionic Commando (X360/PS3)

All these dates are believed to be official European release dates. We're currently awaiting Capcom US to release its own list of dates (if it even plans to do so). We'll update if anything changes.