We recently played Dark Void again at CES in Capcom's suite at Planet Hollywood. We're not going to bore you with the details, as they'd probably be the same glowing ones we dropped on you during last year's E3. Graphics look even better, jetpacking around is still ridiculously enjoyable, etc.

But we simply had to pass on one of the new bits that Capcom told us as we attempted to wipe the stupidly giddy smile off our faces post-demo: They've added guns to the jetpack. Do you get what we're saying here? They took the most awesome invention since the light bulb, the jetpack, and bolted weapons to it. Besides tearing the space-awesome continuum to shreds, it also means man-on-alien-saucer dogfights are a possibility.

Man. On. Alien. Saucer. Dogfights. Let it sink in.
