SukkoPera has posted in our forums his new PSP Manager Application for the PSP, heres what he posted:

<blockquote>Upspear is a new application to fully manage the PSP from a PC. It's thought for PSPs with firmware 1.50, at least for the moment. Support for other firmwares may be added in the future, in case somebody gets homebrew running on them.

At the moment you can:

See the homebrews you have installed, rename and delete them.
Identify useless folders in psp/game.
See your savegames and delete the ones you don't need anymore.
Hide the "corrupt data" icons or push them to the bottom of the list.
Kxploit a 1.0 eboot.pbp, making it work under 1.5 firmwares.
View the contents of a .SFO format file (i. e.: param.sfo).

All these functions can be performed through the nice graphical interface the program has. The program itself is in English, but it uses GNU gettext, which means that it can be easily translated in other languages. At the moment only an Italian translation is available, but anybody can submit more translations, see the "Contributing" section below if you're interested.

Upspear is programmed in C, using the GTK+ toolkit. Development is done under Linux, but it should run with no problems on other operating systems, such as Windows and MacOSX. The code is released under the GPL, so it is free software (as in "free speech", not as in "free beer").</blockquote>

Download via the release thread and please give feedback here -->