News/release from GEMISIS

Hey everyone, it's time for an update to Super Smash Bros. Dual Smash:

I have started the process of remaking the entire game from scratch. This demo is a simple demo with 2 characters, and one level. However, this particular demo has a secret mode that can be accessed on a real DS (emulators won't work with the mode, but the game should work with some emulators)

Also, I would like to point out, that I am able to easily add characters and levels thanks to this new code. On another note, the game loads entirely from EFS, so make sure you patch the game.

As for the secret mode, I may make a video on it later on, but it is currently still very buggy, and I am still working on that, and the A.I.

The credits are the same as the previous demos, as I have not added any new levels or characters. The only difference in this version is how it runs, and some other things as well.

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