While prudent citizens consider the impending ramifications of global warming, an economic downturn and waning natural resources, Joystiq's eye remains fixed on the most important facet of the future: the video games. Well, that and the hope that medical science will grant us that second eye implant so people can stop calling us "cyclops" behind our backs. Yes, backs. The editorial "we" has left us hideously deformed.

Thankfully, Ubisoft's vision of the future isn't mired in pathetic body image issues. After discussing his company's third quarter financial results in a conference call yesterday, Ubi CEO Yves Guillemot expressed a belief that the next generation of consoles would "probably" arrive by 2011 or 2012 (and Crytek seems to agree). According to GI.biz, Guillemot noted, "We have to be ready for that, we are already hiring people and buying some technology and looking at some brands as well."

Guillemot reportedly expressed interest in mergers and acquisitions as well, saying, "We want to take advantage of a company that could bring more technology to us, or new brands." Okay, we think we've got this checklist for the future: More technology; new brands. And eye implants.
