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Thread: PSP Universal Remote 1.2 Released

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Yourmove
    Yeah, uhh...theyre the same remotes as the link I posted just in rar form...merely there for convenience it seems. And he was saying that it never got to the main menu, it just opened the black screen that said "Goodbye" meaning that the remotes folder did not exist, it had nothing to do with the triangle button.
    You need to put the Remotes folder in the root of the memory stick, and a .txt file.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I made it run on 2.0 somehow. I just need to find a remote for any of my devices. I have an old Apex DVD that might be compatible. I ran it five times, but three of those the app froze. On the other two times I got to program some functions to the buttons, but my devices did not work.. Anyone else had luck?

  3. #13


    Awsome remote!! Just love it we lost our remote to our TV a long time ago and didnt get one of the universal remotes cause I wasnt sure whether it would work on our teac TV. I downloaded a generic Teac profile and sure enough it worked. THANKYOU SO MUCH!!! I was considering using the base code of the sony remote and rewritting it for my TV but this saves me the hassle (plus i'm just a begginer when it comes to C and ir) The fact that its universal is great too. Hehe and as said it could be used for some practical jokes in class.

  4. #14
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Anyone actually tried this? I used the correct remote model on my tv and it didn't do anything.

  5. #15
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thumbs down

    I can store vol+, vol-, prog+, prog-... only on the square button. I can't use other buttons. sometimes the psp freezes and turns off. help

  6. #16


    Worked fine for me. Just make sure you download the correct profile, store it in ms1:/remotes/ and your pretty much set. I am using it on 1.5.

    Oh and it wont work automatically - launch the app, select your profile by pressing L and selecting the file you downloaded, then press R, a list of availiable commands will appear, scroll down to the command you wish to use and hit the square button followed by the butten you wish to ascociate that command with, repeat last to steps until you have all your commands assinged

    Hope that helps

  7. #17
    DCEmu Newbie
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    hi im a real noob could you explain exactley where i have make remote folder when i unzipped the universal remote folder all i got was
    ur and ur% i do not have a remotes folder could someone please explain where i put the remotes folder plz

  8. #18
    DCEmu Old Pro pkmaximum's Avatar
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    Alright this sounds great but does not appear to be as great. And geez what a pain and the ass to use! I sat down trying to make this dam thing to work for my T.V. which is a sharp by the way, and sitting through a list of 20 remotes is not fun. And after I tried all of them it did not even work on my T.v. You can not imagine the stress this put on me.

  9. #19

    Default universal remote

    massa84 saw the download in zoo magazine for the universal remote. downloaded it from you but havent got anything. would love some help right now so i dont have to fight the missus for the sky remote. thanx matty161281

  10. #20


    can anyone help get this damn remote for my psp. havent got a clue what to do.

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