via Computer and Video Games

PlayStation Home hasn't been around for too long but it's already attracting the wrong sort of crowd.

Sony Computer Entertainment America's published a load of new PSN stats which reveal that, aside from sex pests doing the running man, Home's also populated by loads of hoodies - you know, the ones that scare your gran.

According to Sony, hooded tops are Home's most downloaded item (see what we did there?!) followed by Resident Evil Degeneration G-Virus t-shirts and summer houses.

PlayStation boss Kaz Hirai said recently that the PlayStation Network now holds over 17 million unique accounts and that over one million dollars' worth of virtual goods had been sold through Home - now we know where all that cash has gone.

Elsewhere among the stats (via Kotaku), Call of Duty 4's Variety map pack is listed as PSN's all time top download, while the David Hasselhoff-starring PAIN is the most downloaded game to date. The most popular demo is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Unlike in Europe, US PS3 owners also have movies and TV shows. New 24 and Family Guy were among the three most downloaded shows last week.