News from Lik Sang

Let's start with a reminder, boys: Valentine's Day is on the 14th of February and that happens to be very soon indeed. "How could I forget? Now should I buy one more game for myself, or something more than a kiss-on-the-cheek for my girl?" Answer: Just buy games for your girl. Throw flowers and chocolates on the top if you have too, but for god's sake, buy your girl some games. That's how you efficiently expand a monthly budget: reach two targets with one hit; play in the pink world.

On top of the advice list goes the Nintendo DS Candy Pink. Already smokin' hot over the Christmas rush, this item is perfect to introduce your beloved one to the wonderful world of Nintendo. It comes in the perfect color (plus we got pink pouches too!), it's cool and innovative, and it offers diverse software libraries that will please both yourself and your lady. It's like a roses bouquet with a romantic poem, except it's better. Choose the right games to go along and it'll get you sex [Editor: I am actually not quite sure if I was allowed to publish such a pitch without getting hammered down by censorship over the next few days; I guess I'll know more tomorrow by checking my spam inbox for hate mails from Christian integrists]. As a matter of fact, Nintendo's motto is at expanding the gamers' audience, no matter who or how old you are. They have released over the last few months games for old people, for people who don't like games, for kids, for hardcore gamers, for casual gamers, for my buddy Daniel, for themselves, for me, for you, for everybody and everyone... including of course for women, if I may get back to the point. Be it in Japan or in the USA, female audiences love to train their Nintendogs. Chicks also dig Animal Crossing DS (which History will probably remember as the first "unisex" game ever), Mario Kart DS and many more of Nintendo's hits. Even the sensational music games from big N should please. Pick up wisely, remember it'll get you sex.