Following a deadly shooting spree in Portland, Oregon last Saturday, January 24, the Oregonian newspaper noted that alleged shooter Salvador Ayala was a "video game fan" and enjoyed games such as Left 4 Dead and Resistance: Fall of Man. The Portland Mercury now reports that local police are "not pursuing a link between videogames and the shooting."

Detective Mark Slater, who noted that a copy of Grand Theft Auto III was found in Ayala's apartment, said, "There were a lot of videogames in the apartment," adding that the games were "of a wide variety of the kind you might find in any 24-year-old's apartment."

While no motive has yet been found, it is now known that Ayala left his roommate a note on the day of the shooting. The note contained Ayala's bank information, social security number, and instructions to the roommate urging him to sell Ayala's Playstation 3 and car and "keep the money." The note closed, "Good luck in this $#@!ty world." The Mercury states that Ayala's friends and roommate now describe him as being "depressed."